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[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 180][Reference 182]

E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders

Appendix 1: Reference Section

181 Young People in 1992 by John Balding, University of Exeter

Questions were asked to a representative sample of over 20,000 11-15 year olds. Asked which drugs were "always unsafe", 14-15 year olds put Ecstasy in fourth place after Solvents, Heroin and Cocaine.

Asked which drugs they had ever been offered, Ecstasy came second only to cannabis (above solvents) among 13-14 and 14-15 year olds. Ecstasy came third just below solvents among 11-12 year olds. The highest figure was 15% among 14-15 year old girls.

Asked which drugs they had ever taken, Ecstasy came fifth at 4.2% below cannabis, solvents, natural and synthetic hallucinogens (Mushrooms and LSD?).

Asked if they know anyone who takes particular drugs, Ecstasy came second to cannabis in all age groups, above solvents and amphetamines.

[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 180][Reference 182]
E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders (
HTMLized by Lamont Granquist (