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[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 143][Reference 145]

E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders

Appendix 1: Reference Section

144 Letter and manuscript from Myron Stolaroff 1/94

Since the early sixties, Myron Stolaroff has been involved with research into developing uses for psychedelics. He has published a number of papers on psychedelics including their effects on values, personality and behaviour; creative problem solving and therapeutic effects. Now in his seventies, he is still actively involved and has just completed a book Thanatos to Eros: Thirty-five Years of Psychedelic Exploration, and enclosed his draft chapter on MDMA.

"I am personally committed to promoting proper understanding and application of psychedelic substances."

From the manuscript chapter on MDMA: ". . . psychedelics are priceless substances. But MDMA stands out as especially unique, with outstanding characteristics exclusively its own. The most fitting description that I can give is that it is an outstanding Grace."

"The aftermath of MDMA was not the same as with established psychedelics such as LSD and Mescaline, which most often leave the body quite cleansed and rejuvenated. . . If one's psyche is relatively clear, the descent is quite euphoric, and the remainder of the day is spent in a very satisfying state of contentment. However, if there is unresolved material in the unconscious that did not get dealt with completely, the drop in the action of the drug seems quite sudden, and one is left physically uncomfortable and somewhat unsettled.

"To counteract this we thought, why not supplement with another, more powerful, psychedelic substance. This turned out to be a splendid idea. I particularly liked it, because what made the beginning of my explorations [with true psychedelics such as LSD] uncomfortable was the negative karma I had accumulated, which had to be expiated before I could thoroughly enjoy the experience. Now I could dispose of this with MDMA, which occurred, I felt, automatically and very pleasantly [enabling me] to soar into fresh spaces free of my usual psychic load.

"This worked so well that I embarked on a study to prove that every good psychedelic was better if first preceded by MDMA." Mr. Stolaroff and his wife Jean confirmed that LSD, 2CB, MEM, and 2-CT-2 were enhanced by MDMA. The psychedelics were either taken in place of a supplementary dose of MDMA (i.e. about 2 hours after the initial dose) or an hour or two after a supplement of MDMA.

Some MDMA experiences are described involving themselves and others. Old resentments towards an elder brother who used to bully were resolved on one occasion; on another a singer who was run down with a raspy throat was able to relax and sing perfectly.

Though most appreciated for communication, Mr. Stolaroff found that quiet leads to an experience far more like LSD. "It became clear that once one became proficient at utilizing a substance . . . it can be directed in other useful ways."

A technique called Focusing (from a book called Focusing by Eugene Gendlin) is described as "one of the most effective means I know to contact and release hidden feelings, and particularly to relieve body stress". Having chosen a feeling to examine, the technique is to alternate experiencing the feeling without resisting, with finding an appropriate 'handle' to describe the feeling such as a word or phrase. In the example given, a woman listens to her body and 'handles' suggest themselves such as 'tired', 'unlistened to' and 'pushed around.'

Another technique Mr. Stolaroff describes is to "find a place in the body that feels good, and to focus on increasing the good feeling". Later he discovers that it doesn't matter what he is focusing on as long as it is worthwhile: holding the mind steadily focused encourages the bliss inside to grow continually. In a letter he adds, "Subsequent experience has taught me that training in holding the mind perfectly still facilitates apprehending other levels of reality with their accompanying euphoria". The chapter ends: "Becoming familiar with the full range of possibilities offered by this exceptional compound would make it hard to deny that it is one of life's remarkable graces."

See also reference 46, Using psychedelics wisely.

[Contents][Appendix 1]
[Reference 143][Reference 145]
E is for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders (
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